Why does board effectiveness matter to non-profits and how do you measure it?

Why does board effectiveness matter to non-profits and how do you measure it?

Why does board effectiveness matter to non-profits and how do you measure it?



15 Mar 2022

15 Mar 2022

The challenge for any non-profit is to deliver its social mission even though resources are scarce. Having an effective board that sets a clear strategy, and ensures the organisation has the right leadership, is crucial if the charity is to succeed.

The challenge for any non-profit is to deliver its social mission even though resources are scarce. Having an effective board that sets a clear strategy, and ensures the organisation has the right leadership, is crucial if the charity is to succeed.

Board effectiveness and governance concerns can seem like a time-consuming distraction when what charities really want is to be delivering for people on the ground. But as the Charity Governance Code states “The board has a key impact on whether a charity thrives.”

Understanding what an effective charity board looks like and how to measure it is vital to ensuring that, in the end, the charity is making a positive impact in society.

In this article om the ACEVO blog, you’ll learn about the 4 most important steps to effective board work in a charity organisation.


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