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Capman boardclic customer story
Capman boardclic customer story
Capman boardclic customer story

Capman: Customer story

Capman: Customer story

Capman: Customer story

Customer blog

Customer blog

27 Apr 2023

27 Apr 2023

CapMan Buyout streamlined its board evaluations with BoardClic, leveraging expert-driven tools to save time, boost engagement, and gain valuable benchmarking insights. The digital platform transformed their approach, enabling a more efficient and impactful evaluation process.

CapMan Buyout streamlined its board evaluations with BoardClic, leveraging expert-driven tools to save time, boost engagement, and gain valuable benchmarking insights. The digital platform transformed their approach, enabling a more efficient and impactful evaluation process.

“There are a lot of components that we like about BoardClic. One thing is their expertise. The BoardClic team is dedicated to board evaluations and experts in this field. We also like the simplicity. BoardClic enables us to upgrade the efficiency in the process from sending the survey, managing the data, and visualising the board evaluation results in a professional way.”

– Partner at CapMan Buyout


CapMan’s private equity arm, CapMan Buyout, invests in unlisted companies across the Nordics. As experts in mid-market buyouts, their goal is to find interesting growth stories, niche-market leaders, passionate entrepreneurs and winning company cultures.



For a decade, CapMan Buyout tried external consultants and adopted different models and internal systems to evaluate and enhance board performance, but concluded that they were spending too much time and resources managing evaluations of their own board and those of portfolio companies. Ultimately, they decided they needed something new. 



Through their network, CapMan Buyout was introduced to BoardClic’s digital platform. BoardClic’s Board Evaluation product lets users access a fully data driven process with best-practice question formats that are customised for different roles on the board and at the C-suite. We were an instant match for CapMan Buyout and their requirements.



  • Saves time and effort on administration that can be channelled to business development.

  • Increases board evaluation response rates and engagement.

  • Performance of individual portfolio companies can be benchmarked against the internal CapMan average as well as against broader BoardClic’s data.

  • Provides CapMan Buyout with a comprehensive view of how boards are performing in different areas and where to make improvements.

Read more customer stories to discover what our users have to say about us or book a demo today to explore how our digital governance platform can help your board reach its full potential.

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