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BoardClic and Corporate Health

BoardClic and Corporate Health

BoardClic and Corporate Health



20 Jan 2020

20 Jan 2020

Corporate health goes beyond employee well-being—it’s about creating harmony between efficiency, employee satisfaction, and shareholder value. At BoardClic, we view corporate health as the foundation for sustainable performance, where value is created across all areas without compromise. Our smart evaluations uncover roadblocks and deliver actionable insights to drive alignment, ensuring lasting success for your company.

Corporate health goes beyond employee well-being—it’s about creating harmony between efficiency, employee satisfaction, and shareholder value. At BoardClic, we view corporate health as the foundation for sustainable performance, where value is created across all areas without compromise. Our smart evaluations uncover roadblocks and deliver actionable insights to drive alignment, ensuring lasting success for your company.

What is corporate health?

In actuality, it appears to be difficult to find a generic description. When you research the space, your findings give you the impression that corporate health is strictly related to classic, “softer” values such as the health of the employees. But shouldn’t that simply be called employee health? To say anything about the wellness of a company you need more metrics than only the ones that are related to employee health, right?

A company that solely focuses on the health of the employees but not on quality and efficiency in production will probably not stay on the market for long. Neither will a company that solely focuses on profits and bonuses whilst neglecting the well-being of managers and employees. Many say there is a contradiction between the “softer” and “harder” values of running a business, but extensive experience along with multidisciplinary research tells us there is not.

BoardClic’s view on what constitutes corporate health is closely related to theories regarding sustainable performance. To put that into corporate context; a sustainably performing company generates value in one part of the company without impeding value in another. They are working in harmony.

A demonstrative example:

A company adds artificial intelligence in their administration. This cuts down time for monotone, repetitive tasks which in turn means decreasing physical load and freeing time for staff to work on more qualified tasks. Simultaneously, it means increasing accuracy in decisions, and thus efficiency and quality in production.

So, corporate health is strong when a company manages to; a) produce with quality and efficiency in accordance with customer and market demands, b) create value and provide a sustainable work environment for management and employees, and c) create value for the owners. Without a), b) or c) there probably isn’t much of a company at all in the long run. However, if you have all three, you are sure to have a foundation for positive corporate health (or, the means to get there)

Many say there is a contradiction between the “softer” and “harder” values of running a business, but extensive experience along with multidisciplinary research tells us there is not.


The question that remains is; how does BoardClic actually measure the above? To that I say; how do we not?!

Again, look at a), b) and c) above. To produce with quality and efficiency according to customer and market demands you need market know-how and customer insights (a). To create value and provide a sustainable work environment you need to know your employees, and you need sustainable and authentic leadership together with a culture that attracts, retains and engages employees (b). To create value for owners you need proper communication between the top corporate leadership layers to understand what value actually means in their eyes (c). BoardClic provides insights into all of the above, uncovering facts and figures in each area that aren’t previously known – but should be.

BoardClic’s smart evaluations and analysis of boards of directors, CEOs and management teams unveil roadblocks standing in the way of top team alignment. The BoardClic Intelligence analysis – covering prerequisite, process and result aspects – provides actionable insights with a more comprehensive view on corporate health than anything else on the market.

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